We were blessed with Tala being able to go back to her school. She had such a rough first week. Some changes on their part. Getting used to 'school' schedule. You know, waking up early and going to bed early. Challenges with food. Her diabetes being the cause of those challenges. Missing being at home and mommy. All of it made for a rough week not just for her, but for us all.
Truthfully, I allowed questions to start swimming in my head. 'Should she be there?' 'Would homeschooling be better?'
These would not be so bad if it wasn't so apparent that God orchestrated every detail just so she could be there. And just days after He showed Himself in the miracle of this being provided I began questioning. How easy it was for me to just lose sight of what He had done and start focusing elsewhere.
It really is important to slow down and breathe deeply. It allows us to just BE STILL. And I find that when I am still, I am able to see His face more clearly, smell his sweet breath a little more easily, and feel His embrace squeeze me most tenderly.
So as we head into this next week, I am choosing to BE STILL.
"Be still, and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10a
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