Have you ever been so certain of something that when it didn't come to be...you were just dumbfounded? That's happened to me recently.
I have been praying about sending Tala back to her same school that she has been at since kindergarten. It's a small private Christian school here in our small town. So of course, there's cost involved. And for us, right now, this is not in the cards. But who am I to put God in a box right?! So I prayed and prayed some more for the 'answer' of knowing where she should be this year.
Through this process of laying it at His feet, I was certain of one thing....no public school yet. Please, don't get me wrong. I'm one of those that don't side either way. Hey, I'm a product of both and have taught in both. But for our girl, her very shy & timid personality combined with her Diabetes....there were just still too many dangerous scenarios that were more likely to take place in a larger setting. So, no public yet.
This all pretty much rounded it down to two choices: Grace (the school) or homeschooling (love this idea, but with all the health issues in our home & again, Tala's shy personality, this just didn't seem to 'fit).
I have been fortunate to have so many of you praying along with me about this issue that is so important. The finances were the main thing holding us back from registering her. For those of you who have been traveling along with us since the beginning of our journey, you know what a strong backbone this school & church have been for our family during all the trials of the past 2 years.
About 1 month before she was to start I talked with the Principal. We talked 'legistics' and laughed a little about how it would probably be down to the very last minute for us....that seems to be the way God works in my life. But when the 'last minute' came and the money wasn't here, well, this is where me being dumbfounded comes in. I truly was. I couldn't find any words on the subject because I feel for sure that she was meant for Grace.
Friday & Saturday before she was to start held a lot of tears. I had to break it to her. We both just couldn't really believe she wouldn't be starting on Monday. Together, we made plans to still pray for a miracle and we went school shopping...just in case. It's hard to have faith when this feeling of utter dumbfoundedness (is this a word?:) was consuming me. BUT, with faith like a child, my child, we went forward....to the store.
Early Sunday evening I received a phone call from the Principal. She held the news to the next miracle for the Pinkard family. Someone or someones, somewhere or should I say at Grace (the church) felt led to help our family out. This person or persons gave a substantial amount of money to us in order for Tala to start school the very next day with her friends.
Blessed? Definitely. But it is so much more than that. The pieces of this puzzle came together only because of His leading....and His grace. How fitting is it that the name of the institution where we are entrusting our sweet angelgirl is titled, Grace?!!!
We literally have been saved by Grace.
***note: no words can express our gratitude to the individual(s) that followed His prompting. Your investment in our family goes way beyond what you may know. I wait anxiously for the moment that I can share ALL you have done just by listening with your heart.***
1 comment:
Just wanting you to know I was thinking of you and praying this morning!
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