I had an epiphany last night.
Some think that God is NOT in the business of miracles anymore. That they are for old testament times. Some think that miracles are only things that are ''big & extravagant"...like my being healed of cancer. Some think that miracles only come to 'good' people or those who have an incredibly close walk with God.
The other night as we were all rushing to get out the door, I heard a large crash followed by a loud scream. The crash was not your normal everyday 'kid getting into something' crash. And the scream was one that pierces throughout your body. So with the water still running in the kitchen sink and dropping everything in my hands.....I ran.
The fixture behind our toilet had come loose from the wall and crashed onto Torryn. All the toiletries in the cabinet along with the glass dolphins that used to grace the two top shelves with their beauty.....ALL came down on top of him along with the wooden shelf that stands as tall as Roy. And there my baby sat crying big crocodile tears while holding his head and saying "I didn't do it".
I scooped him up to love, cuddle AND INSPECT all injuries while everyone else commented on the mess and broken glass throughout our bathroom. He had a small but big bump on the top of his head. Within 10 minutes of attention and babying he was fine. I was not.
I was quick to 'teach' all of them how blessed we were that it was not any worse. But deep inside my heart the 'what ifs' immediately started playing in my mind. (They seem to do that more often, now...and more intensely since so much has happened.) I could not get out of my head that all he had was a little bump. Believe me when I say there was a lot of stuff in the cabinet along with about 8-10 glass pieces (all but 2 broke and shattered). So many scenarios could have happened. The fear that began to grip at my heart seemed warranted. Any parent would agree that these times of our children getting hurt can turn us into emotional lunatics sometimes. I kinda went to that place.
Then the epiphany.
We fill our days with so much. Sometimes too much that it takes away from us seeing things for what they truly are. That night we were rushed and still worked at getting out the door on time. But as I cleaned the mess up later and into the next day, I had time to ponder what had happened. God gave me time to see what He had done even when I wasn't looking.
Instead of holding onto the fear of that moment which held so many 'what ifs'...I realized I needed to be doing the opposite. Realizing the miracle for what it was. God, himself. He choose to save Torryn from the unthinkable. It could of ranged from cutting his arm with some glass all the way to being knock so hard to put him into a coma...or worse. Why did none of those things happen? God, himself.
God IS in the business of miracles ALL THE TIME. Miracles do happen in our times. Miracles do NOT have to be some unbelievable turn of events. Miracles happen to anyone, no matter how good or 'religious' we may be. Miracles happen all the time...but we miss most of them.
Seeing this miracle for what it was is were the epiphany comes in.
It's so simple, but because of our busyness, we need to be reminded to slow down and see that all things good are from God. And God is the one who grants us these miracles....many which we do not take time to 'see' and be thankful for. We need to slow down in order to see God himself and all that He is doing. If we don't, we will miss the miracles.
So up until the 'shelf' incident, I was saying that Tala & Takai were here because of miracles. (Because of last years 'medical' miracles.) NOW...I've slowed down enough to know that all four of my kids, including Torryn & Tylor, are here because of His graciousness. I am just curious to know what else I have missed because I didn't take the time to see Him at work. I can guarantee that I will be thinking back to past experiences to see what things I didn't recognize for what they, or should I say, WHO they truly were.Psalm 100
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.