One needs to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames are the hottest as to burn away all the impurities. His eyes never leave the precious metal and knows it is refined & finished when He can see His own image in it....May He see His image in me.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Ideal Friend

How many of us put on the 'happy' face just so others don't feel uncomfortable by our not-so-happy hearts? I think we all do it. We do it for various reasons. Having people know all our business is an area of vulnerability. Also, what if they don't 'get it'....what if they just really think our feelings aren't warranted?

I'm in a place that all this is at the forefront for me not telling others where I'm at. Oh sure, some people know some stuff and other's know other stuff. But I don't think there is just one person who knows it all. I hold back even though I'm blessed with many who care. There are reasons for some of the 'holding back', while some of it just stems from feeble attempts to rationalize within my own head :)

As I was sitting thinking through everything that I'm stressed about and who I've told what to and whom should I talk to about this & that....I had a thought that made me breathe easier for the moment.

There is One who knows it all. Actually, He knows more that I do. I'm so anxious for that human touch that I forget about the One who can heal my heart.

My life is so full of way too many stresses that I think I need to talk them over with someone. (And yes, for me this is most times I do try and lean on trusted & grounded people.) If we call God the Author of Life then why am I so quick to forget to ask for His help? Hello??!!! I think He has all the answers I'm needing...:)

"The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.

The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." - Psalm 145:8-9

Why would I not lean on Him? He's the ideal friend!!!

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