There have been so many of you who have called or wrote to check in with me this past week. Honestly, you were all answers to prayer.
Went to the doctor on Friday for treatment and got to talk with him. The new medicine seems to be working slowly. So we agreed I would take it for 3 more weeks to see if the neuropathy gets any better. Other than that, nothings changed. My numbers (blood counts all look wonderful....isn't that great?!!!! I love it.:)
Roy's still working hard, so thank you for all the comments and prayers on his behalf. We are still praying and trying to save a little here and there for another vehicle. Day to day is still a juggling act as far as rides, vehicle, school, etc. But I got me some good shoes now and they seem to make a huge difference on those days that I walk.
My surgeries are still on the back burner. One is just pending on insurance coverage and the other...still got to get to my new doc to be able to discuss everything.
Please pray for something 'small' for me. I have a tooth that is bothering me. Chemo messes with the bones...and that includes teeth. I went to the dentist a couple of months ago and there was only minor damage. A true blessing. But I seem to be having much more issues lately. And now it looks like I have a tooth that needs some help. It’s causing me pain that just seems to be getting worse.
And now for some brutal honesty…
I’ve had some not-so-positive comments about a couple of things happening, whether in my updates or in my life. I know these have come from well meaning loved ones who DO love me. BUT, after pondering and praying about the things that have been said I’ve decided to say very little. This has been a wild and crazy ride the past 2 years. It has been full of so many emotions, miracles, pain and changes. My life was forever altered the moment I was diagnosed. I DO understand that some people don’t ‘get it’. And that is okay. Because before I started this journey, I didn’t ‘get it’. I truly didn’t. My expectations are not a lot. I am grateful for the opportunity to be here to raise my children, grow older with my husband, spend time with my friends and family and bring glory to my God & learn to love them all a little better every day that I’ve been given. But in the process of doing all this WHILE battling all that cancer brings my way…I will struggle. This Caringbridge site, along with my blog, are such a wonderful way for me to express myself. I can only pray that my ‘tone’, although it may depict these struggles, would portray someone who is eternally grateful for ALL she’s been given.
When you have a chance, please watch this awesome video. It expresses, so well, a lot of what becomes part of a cancer patient's life…whether fighting or in remission.
Life is hard….but, oh so good!!! I am here surrounded with so much. You are part of my ‘good’.
All my love, Shannon
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