One needs to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames are the hottest as to burn away all the impurities. His eyes never leave the precious metal and knows it is refined & finished when He can see His own image in it....May He see His image in me.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am so excited. Tomorrow night is the Relay for Life here in Boulder City. It will be the first one that I have been able to attend. There will be a special time to recognize all the survivors. And I will be going with LeeAnn.

I have recognized through my entire journey that God simply wants me to recognize Him. Cancer has just been an avenue to get my attention. (Don't get me's an awful disease brought on by the enemy...but God CAN use any situation.). I have been witness to more pain, suffering, diseases and death in the past 2 years than I can sometimes swallow.

There are so many causes that are worthy of our time, effort, research and money. Breast cancer is taking mothers from their children, wifes from their husbands, daughters from their parents. Cancer in itself just robs so many of someone they love and cherish. Many forms of cancer are taking children from their mommys & daddys. Robing their families of seeing them grow up. Trisomy 18 & Krabbes Disease are just two of the heart wrenching that I have watched dear friends loss their babies this past year.

Do I plan to become an advocate? Yes! Not so much for ONLY Breast Cancer...but for anything that needs to have a shield put between the enemy and his awful ways. Some days, I am an advocate for nothing less than growing my children in the way He would want. Other days, I am granted a chance to tell someone(s) of my journey and bring glory to Him. While other days provide me with an opportunity to walk around a track and take a stand in front of the 'world'.

So I challenge each of you. Become an advocate. Let Him guide you. It may be one thing...or like me, it may be a mixture of things. But when you do...with it comes the wonderful emotions of excitement, joy and peace. Don't just live each day going through the motions. Embrace each moment to the fullest with purpose and cause. And with that you know He is pleased.

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